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Windows 98 to Windows XP CD Burning Problems

January 1, 2003

in All Articles,Miscellaneous

Phylis asks:

Is there a way to make a Windows XP computer read CDs that were copied on a Windows 98 computer?

So you create CDs on a Windows 98 machine, and that PC can read those CDs happily. When you bring those same CDs to a WinXP machine, the WinXP machine can’t read the disks.

  1. Verify with your computer’s support people that the WinXP CD-reader you have can read the types of CD media you’re using. If you don’t have the contacts or documentation to do this, go to step 2.
  2. Look at the CDs you’re creating. What capacity are they? 650MB? 700MB? If they are 700MB CDs, go to the store and buy a couple 650MB-sized CDs. Burn your stuff on the 650MB CDs and try reading them again in the WinXP machine. There are a lot of drives that have trouble reading that size CD, but work fine with lower-sized ones. I’ve had good luck with TDK CDs like these: TDK CD-R80CB50 CD-R Data, 80 Minute, 700 MB, 32x (50-Pack Spindle)

These would be my first steps at troubleshooting. If neither option helps, try duplicating your problem on a different WinXP machine – is the problem local to your PC, or does it happen with all WinXP machines? If it happens with all XP machines, there’s an issue with your Win98 PC or your CD discs. If it only happens on your WinXP machine and not on others, then you may have a physical hardware problem with the XP’s CD reader, and may need a replacement.

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