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Kickstarter: Crowd-sourcing funding for makers and creators

October 11, 2011

in All Articles,Marketing

Post image for Kickstarter: Crowd-sourcing funding for makers and creators

Kickstarter is a very interesting service that could be the future of funding. It takes out the middle-man and provides creators with direct access to funding from the fans who want to support them.

Put in simple language: A creator asks for money and offers rewards in exchange for contributions. If the project meets its stated financial goal, the creator is obligated to finish their project and reward the backers. If the project doesn’t meet the goal, the backers pay nothing.



I’m trying this myself with my own project. I’m trying to fund a book cover for a book I’ve written. Click this link to see my Kickstarter campaign:

Transhuman #1: Waking the Dreamer

Kickstarter works for some. For others it does not. I honestly have no idea what to expect here, but I’m very interested to know the results.

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